The total population of Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico is 136,542. The median age of the population of Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico is 43.5 years. The median age for males is 40.3 years. The median age for females is 46.5 years. The chart shows the distribution of the population of Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico by sex & age (gender & age demographics). Carolina Municipio, Puerto Rico is next with a population of 154,126, followed by Bayam\u00F3n Municipio, Puerto Rico, which has a population of 184,326.
The chart shows the breakdown of the total population of Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico by race and ethnicity (racial demographics), which is as follows: White: 0.42%; Black/African American: 0.16%; American Indian and Alaska Native: 0.00%; Asian: 0.03%; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: 0.00%; Some other race: 0.05%; Two or more races: 0.05%; Hispanic or Latino: 99.30%.
Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico has a diversity score of 0.9861, which suggests an extremely low level of diversity. The population is almost entirely composed of one group, with negligible representation from other groups..
The median household income in Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico in the past 12 months, in 2022 inflation-adjusted dollars, was $18,994. The chart shows the distribution of household income by income level for the population of Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico.
No data available
The chart shows the distribution of health insurance coverage status by sex by age for the population of Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico. 6.32% of the population of Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico has no health insurance coverage.
No data available
Note on the available American Community Survey (ACS) data sources:
The data and analysis of these topics is based on the
United States Census Bureau's
American Community Survey (ACS)
5-Year Estimates (current 2022 Edition). These estimates are also available for select geographies, depending on the size of the population, based on
ACS 1-Year Estimates or
ACS 1-Year Supplemental Estimates. The margin of error data is available for all reports.